Celaeno Province
Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin
"Dixie was my pick for our chapter & I got to present on the 50th anniversary of my graduation from Lewis Cass 5/19/74!"
"Dixie was my pick for our chapter & I got to present on the 50th anniversary of my graduation from Lewis Cass 5/19/74!"
CelaenoProvince Officers
Province President: Deb Hood- danadeb@comcast.net
Province Vice-President: Sue Allbaugh-seallbaugh@gmail.com
Province Education Director: Mary Fisher-sonshyne@embarqmail.com
Province Corresponding Secretary: Sharon Everett- sleverett@northcc.net
Province Recording Secretary- Anna Gillam-argillam15@gmail.com
Province Treasurer: Ricki Weaver-rickirenbarger@aol.com
Province Website Liason: Mary Fisher- sonshyne@embarqmail.com
Province Scholarship Committee Chair: Mary Fisher-sonshyne@embarqmail.com
Province Sergant-at-Arms: Dawn Letherman-dawnleatherman8@gmail.com
Province Chaplain: Sandy Pixey- spixey@aol.com
Province Parliamentarian: Connie Cripe- ccripe@tds.net
Province Song Leader: Sue Allbaugh-seallbaugh@ffni.com
Celeano Province Chapter Presidents
Indiana Alpha Chapter: Rosie Miller- raehercules@gmail.com
Indiana Gamma Chapter- Debbie Hood- danadeb@comcast.net
Indiana Eta Chapter- Jane Sickman-ejsickman@gmail.com
Indiana Kappa Chapter-Laura Albright -albright-al@comcast.net
Indiana Sigma Chapter- Debra Humbarger-dhumbarger@aol.com