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As a National Sorority, Delta Theta Chi supports literacy and breast cancer awareness. Individual chapters choose how they support these causes, and other causes in their communities.

Part of our literacy focus is helping local schools by supporting their education. There are also members who tutor students of all ages, and read to the younger ones.


In addition to Delta Theta Chi's nationwide efforts to support Literacy, some chapters have also included support of local breast cancer awareness and other important health related organizations in need of support

Province News

Electra Province

Missouri Delta: Art of Giving Project October 2024

This was a Philanthropic project, hosted by the Missouri Delta Chapter, at the Electra Province Conclave. The Chapter asked members that were attending to help contribute to our local women's shelter, Amethyst Place, that helps single mothers get back on their feet. Also raised money to support a local non-profit Regional Arts Council, ArtsKC, that advocates for policies that strengthen the bonds of understanding and respect among the regions diverse art communities.



donations for Amethyst place


donation check given  to ArtsKC


Local Artist: Marilyn Mahoney

donating her time and incredible talent to help create a a beautiful landscape to raffle off for donations.

DTC Boo Club Informaion
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Presented to an Individual, Chapter, or Province for Special Service Provided to the Community

Who has:

Held High the Torch of Learning for Others to See by and in Turn Shown the Light on Delta Theta Chi.


2023 Recipients: Becky Cooper and Husband, Wayne Cooper.

In pictures: Cheryl Neeley (2019-2023 

Electra Province National Trustee) presenting award to Becky Cooper. Also pictured is Becky Cooper with Husband.



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