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      About Our Sisterhood     

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1920: The beginning: 

Delta Theta Chi Sorority was conceived by seven young women from far-distant universities who met in Chicago while engaged in post graduate academic pursuits. 

Six of the seven founding charter members are known: Hope Barkley of Radcliff College, Cambridge, MA; Esther Jones Cejnar of the University of Nebraska; Miriam Brewer of Northwestern University in Evanston, IL; Edith McKay of the University of Montana; Myrtle Raymond of the University of Nevada and Lela Scopes of the University of Chicago.

The charter members wanted an organization based on principles broader than those of the undergraduate sorority.  These principles would bring the union of women of widely diversified interests for the purpose of furthering mutual development in friendship and culture. Their ideals were to seek to build on attainment of knowledge, building of character, continued intellectual growth, and development of practical abilities for daily living.  


1930s: The Great Depression was upon us but Delta Theta Chi continued to grow. We were incorporated through the State of Delaware, where most sororities and fraternities were incorporated in 1932, for a state charter granting national privileges. 


To establish Delta Theta Chi as a true Sorority rather than the

National Association of Delta Theta Chi, the Delaware charter

was dissolved and under a special act of Congress in 1937,

we were granted a Certificate of Incorporation. In 1938 the first

meeting of the incorporators was held and the first National

Executive Council was elected.

When incorporated in 1938, Delta Theta Chi declared its purpose to be the promotion of cultural education, the fostering of personal development and good citizenship, and the enjoyment of contact with those of similar purpose and ideals.  

1940s:  During the war years, Delta Theta Chis entered the armed services and volunteered for other war efforts. There were lean years but Delta Theta Chi thrived through them.  

1950s:  In 1953, there was a reorganization of Delta Theta Chi. Oklahoma chapters called the first National Convention in Enid, OK and Rose Richards was elected the first National President. In 1954, a new constitution was adopted by the National Executive Council.   

1960-Present: Through Delta Theta Chi’s evolution to the present organizational structure, we have never deviated from its original formula for enriching life. Our ideals are to train the mind, develop and refine judgement, enrich life through the examination of the wealth of materials from the fields of art, music, and literature, and provide continued growth.


                          2020: We celebrated 100 years of Delta Theta Chi. We marked 100 years

                          with a national convention celebrating all of our achievements through

                          the last 100 years.  We continue to strive to achieve the ultimate goals of

                          the founding members’ ideals and purpose.  We thank our founding

                          members whose initial thought has brought together thousands of

                          women over the last 100 years to hold high the torch of Delta Theta Chi.


                                         From 1920s to Today.                                      

Delta Theta Chi are sisters with a purpose.


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Home Office: 2614 S Lulu  Wichita,  Kansas 67216-1234

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